Style over 50

In this section of the website you’ll find ideas, advice and tips for how to look great at 50, 60, 70 and over.

I’m not talking about that dilemma of too many frocks, not enough planning. I’m thinking of that day when our confidence suddenly does a nose-dive and all our favourite clothes just don’t do it for us anymore.

That day sometimes comes at fifty with all the changes that menopause brings – our waist seems to be disappearing and clothes we loved a couple of years ago now feel constricting and too warm. But we don’t feel anything like old enough to completely change our style. (And we’re NOT!)

Sometimes we look in the mirror after a divorce or when our children leave home. Or when we retire. Suddenly what we’ve been wearing for years, our personal style, looks all wrong. Our life has changed. There’s a sort of freedom now even if it’s tinged with sadness. We want our style to reflect that new freedom. And we’re tired of styling ourselves the way we used to. That life has gone and we need to restyle to keep up.

And once our children marry we’re very aware that we want to look independent not ‘mumsy’ any more. If they live close by we may see more of them than ever before which is wonderful. They’re not out on the town so often now. Their focus is more on home, health and family. And we fit right in.

Of course if they have children and you are retired there’ll be invites to help with childcare. We love these invites. Whether it’s a nature walk in the woods or cheering on our young sportsmen we’re living a new life and adoring every minute. Business jackets hang unused in the closet. We’re ready for a chic new upgrade.

But what looks right? We don’t want to look like our mothers did at our age but we don’t want to look like ‘mutton dressed as lamb’, either. Online all the models seem to be decades younger than us. In the stores the racks are full of very short or very tight or very revealing dresses that we’d look ridiculous in. So where do we start?

I’m no fan of the smart trousers, neat t-shirt and pastel lapelled jacket that I usually find in blogs aimed at older women. Nor do I very much appreciate the wacky difficult-to-feel-comfortable-in get-ups that the fashion pages of major newspapers like to dress grey-haired women in. They may be show-stoppers if you mix with fashionistas and media folk but most of us don’t.

At 70 I love clothes that are easy to wear, are youthful but modest, have a vibrant contemporary personality and make my figure and complexion look their best. So I’m happy in a mini skirt but I’ll wear leggings or thick tights under it. I’ll wear narrow legged pants but not so skinny that my ankles look thick in comparison. I’m happy sharing items with my daughter but there are some dresses she looks stunning in that I simply could not wear.

I hope you’ll find the edits in these Style over 50 articles useful. They’re a starting point for you if you are looking for a new direction and want to push the refresh button.

Comments are soooooo welcome!


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